Technical Data Sheet



Specialised service for checking and verifying the compliance of the label in view of the specific legal requirements (product/country) and the procedure, with the product offered by the customer in a particular public procedure.



Estimated execution time (Order fulfilment)

Minimum of 3 business days from the availability of the label and the documents of the procedure.  

The time expected by the Affereo team for executing this service implies a minimum of 3 hours of intervention. 



Labelling verification is only possible, first, if the labels are in the following languages:


  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • French
  • English


For other languages, they must be accompanied by a translation, and the verification is done on the translation and not on the original.



Other information

This product can be associated with the services of bid writing documents, electronic signature of documents, and bid submission, in the countries identified in their data sheets.