Product Data Sheet


This product provides relevant information about active opportunities and completed procedures (market overview) for the selected CPV and country, as well as significant data from previous procedures where the opportunity is still active.

It also informs about public tenders with 50% probability of winning, as well as which public entities value your products/services the most, in addition to providing fundamental knowledge about the tenderers.



Information in the reports (pdf format)
Each opportunity report contains the probability ranking of the chance in each of the active procedures, assigned on the basis of a mathematical structure of opportunity analysis and evaluation.


Opportunities Report:

    • Vital information on the active procedures and chance qualification, according to the choice made, namely the selected CPV and country.

Opportunities Report – Changes:

    • Additional information with the changes introduced in the procedures, subject of the opportunities report.


Opportunities Report - New Version: 

    • Information of a changed opportunity replacing the previously published one.


Market Research Report:

    • Research of the chosen market (country), taking into account the selected CPV/Product, with the most relevant information about the concluded procedures.
    • Information about public tenders with 50% chance of winning and the average chance level in procedures with more than one tenderer.
    • If there are active opportunities at the time the market research report is issued, the Opportunity and Public Entity reports will also be made available.



Public Entity Report:

    • Relevant information, for each Public Entity, with reference to the CPV and whenever an active procedure is identified.



Report Language
The reports are available in the language chosen, and are available in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.



Reporting Frequency

  • Initial report with the active opportunities at the time of subscription.
  • Market research report issued after subscription of the product.
  • New Opportunities and Public Entity report whenever an active opportunity is identified according to the selected country and CPV/products.
  • New report whenever there are changes in the procedure (rectifications, extensions, etc).



Type of product
Per country:

  • 1 CPV
  • 3 CPV
  • 5 CPV
  • 10 CPV



Affereo Rating
On each of the opportunity reports is affixed an « Affereo » stamp with an opportunity rating, identified as:

  • Platinum Stamp (Excellent opportunity)
  • Gold Stamp (Good opportunity)
  • Silver Stamp (Average opportunity)
  • Bronze Stamp (Low opportunity)


The rating results from the evaluation of the various factors of the procedure, each one being weighted according to its relevance expressed on a scale of scores.

A mathematical formula built by a multidisciplinary team – legal experts, mathematicians, Procurement consultants, Winning Tenders and Data Science - is used to rate the opportunity of each procedure and is intended to provide a weighing of the chance.