Procurement Intelligence Data Centre

Affereo's Procurement Intelligence Data Centre is defined as the set of elements that combine the collection, processing, harmonisation and storage of data from TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) and other public procurement platforms of European countries that allow information and knowledge to be used automatically and combined with the requirements and conditions imposed by the user.

This view that data structuring is the foundation for an efficient digital transition is so crucial that it is reflected in the European Commission's initiative to build a European Procurement Data Space.  


With this project, changes are being promoted in the publication system that is very impactful in European public procurement so that, even in this transition phase, Affereo already has two different ways of collecting the information contained in the notices forms of the tender procedures - dual system.  


With this training for the dual system of publication forms - in use and new electronic forms - eforms, Affereo is already set for the European Open Data Space.